Be A Super Secretary – ALMOST RUNNING

Be A Super Secretary

Jakarta | 21 – 22 Juli 2016 | Rp 3.500.000 – ALMOST RUNNING
Jakarta | 11 – 12 Agustus 2016 | Rp 3.500.000
Jakarta | 04 – 05 Oktober 2016 | Rp 3.500.000
Jakarta | 01 – 02 Desember 2016 | Rp 3.500.000




An efficient and effective office secretary builds good image of an organization and proves to be an asset to his/her supervisor. Information technology has brought about a paradigm shift in office working and the skills required by office secretaries. Decision makers are overloaded by information and data so they need skillfully trained to stream line the flow of information. The more skills they have, the more time their organizational heads will save and the organization as a whole will become more effective and professional.

During the workshop, the participants will review and discuss which kind of duties and skills they are responsible for and which standards should be achieved in performing a variety of office tasks.

Program Objectives:

After completing this practical program, participants will be able to:

  • understand how her role as Secretary contributes to organizational success
  • build an effective work team
  • plan and coordinate workflow and productivity
  • interact with people in ways which reinforce positive working relationships
  • show concern for excellence
  • manage personal emotions and stress
  • manage conflict, difficult situations and people with ease
  • deliver presentations to small groups for maximum effect

Target Participants:

This Program is suitable for all secretaries or professionals in each industry who lead secretarial support, manage an office environment, or work as a personal assistant within the organization.

Super Secretary Topics Covered:

Day 1:

1.       The Role of the Secretary

  • Key functions of your role
  • Self-assessment

2.       Communicating for Results

  • Why are effective communication skills important?
  • What is communication?
  • The communication process
  • Barriers to effective communication
  • Skills for effective communication, persuasion and influence
  • Listening – the key to communication success

3.       Leadership and Office Management

  • Your leadership style
  • Factors that influence leadership in your organization and in your office
  • Ways in which you can influence your team
  • Why networking is critical to your success

Day 2:

4.       Effective Presentation Skills

  • Planning an effective presentation
  • Practice and rehearsal
  • Personal delivery skills
  • Reviewing the presentation for maximum learning and effect

5.       Managing Work

  • Time management/self-management
  • Managing stress
  • Goal setting
  • Priority management
  • Becoming a Quadrant II time manager
  • Dealing with time wasters
  • Maximize effectiveness by managing meetings

6.       Managing Conflict

  • What is conflict?
  • Finding an appropriate conflict management style
  • Mapping and defining conflict
  • Appropriate assertiveness and empathy
  • Dealing with anger in yourself and others


  • Active Participation by all group members
  • Small group discussions
  • Role play / Case study work
  • Problem-solving real work issues
  • Individual Action plan
  • Comprehensive Reference materials to take away with you

Trainer : Carlina Agnes Patuwo

Carlina A. Patuwo – Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan bidang sekretaris di Akademi Sekretari / Lembaga Pendidikan Kejuruan Tarakanita (Aksek/LPK Tarakanita) dengan gelar Bachelor of Secretarial Science pada tahun 1982, Lina memulai kariernya sebagai sekretaris Managing Director, perusahaan pabrik pipa di Jakarta.  Setelah 11 tahun menduduki posisi sebagai Executive Secretary dan Personal Assistant di berbagai perusahaan multinasional dan perusahaan patungan asing, dan 12 tahun sebagai Corporate Secretary, Administration Manager, Human Resources dan Training Manager di berbagai perusahaan patungan Asuransi dan Perbankan, Lina memutuskan untuk konsentrasi di bidang konsultansi manajemen dan pelatihan.  Jabatan beliau terakhir sebagai Human Resource dan Training Manager, juga Administration Manager pada perusahaan perbankan patungan Jepang dan Singapore di Jakarta selama 7.5 tahun.

Sejak tahun 2005, Lina mendirikan dan mengembangan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang HR Consultancy, Executive Search, dan Learning & Development, dan Corporate Marketing & Communications Consultant di tahun 2008.  Lina dikenal sebagai fasilitator untuk bidang personality development, services, communication, public relations, management development, recruitment, HR and Training, secretarial and office administrative, dan personal branding sejak tahun 1999.

Investasi :

  • Rp 3.500.000,- 
  • termasuk ( Souvenir, Flash disk, materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat )

Tempat :

Hotel Puri Denpasar, Jakarta Selatan

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