International NLP Master Certification

International NLP Master Certification (Certificated by NFNLP, Florida)

Bogor | 23 – 26 Agustus 2017 | Rp 9.500.000,-
Bogor | 20 – 23 Desember 2017 | Rp 9.500.000,-


What the journals and others have to say about NLP??

NLP has untapped potential for treating individual problems…it has metamorphosed into an all-purpose self-improvement program and technology.”  TIME Magazine

“NLP cannot be dismissed as just another hustle. Its theoretical underpinnings represent an ambitious attempt to codify and synthesize the insights of linguistics, body language, and the study of communication systems.” – Psychology Today

“NLP does offer the potential for making changes without the usual agony that accompanies these phenomena…Thus it affords the opportunity to gain flexibility, creativity, and greater freedom of action than most of us now know…” – Training and Development Journal

“NLP maybe the most powerful vehicle for change in existent.” – Modern Psychology

“NLP could be the most important synthesis of knowledge about human communication to emerge since the sixties.” – Science Digest

“…real estate brokers and salespeople use Neuro-Linguistics to enhance their communication skills and provide them with more choices when working in a difficult situation…it shows how we make sense of the world around us and communicate.” – Real Estate Today

“Combining NLP in sales is the only strategy to boost the sales and morale of your organization.” – Success Magazine

“NLP is a truly new and unique approach, the power to program your thoughts and behavior.”  – Norman Vincent Peale, Author

“NLP produces result, improve rapport and increase productivity.” – James Olson, Former Chairman, AT&T

“NLP Changes people and organizations. It’s powerful.” – Oprah Winfrey

“NLP helps me to manage audiences and motivate them. It’s just amazing.” – Oprah Winfrey

“I built my sales career from zero to become the world’s best motivator by using NLP” – Anthony Robbins

Setelah kita mengetahui begitu banyaknya manfaat yang didapatkan sesudah mempelajari NLP, semakin kita sadari betapa berharganya pola berbahasa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pendalaman dalam program pelatihan International NLP Master Certification, jelas membuat kita memperlihai dalam mengefektifkan berbahasa dan menjadi pemenang dalam berbagai kepentingan diskusi.

Program pelatihan yang merupakan kelanjutan dari International NLP Practitioner Certification ini, memang diperuntukkan bagi mereka dari berbagai profesi, untuk lebih memaksimalkan dan menjadi MASTER dalam pola bahasa, dan lebih menyamankan di keseharian kehidupannya.


Dengan PRAKTIS Kuasai betapa HEBATnya kemampuan hubungan antar manusia (interpersonal relationship skill) yang elegan dan efektif dengan:

  • Kepekaan Panca Indera dalam menyerap informasi (Advanced Sensory Acuity)
  • Kemampuan Membangun Trust danMengikis Hambatan Komunikasi (Instant Rapport)
  • Mengenali dan Menyesuaikan Diri dengan Proses Berfikir dan Sumber Motivasi (Meta Program)

Secara ELEGAN, Kuasai begitu LUAR BIASA kemampuan komunikasi (CommunicationMastery) dengan Komunikasi Bawah Sadar (Waking Hypnosis Patterns) dalam BAHASA INGGRIS dan BAHASA INDONESIA menggunakan:

  • By-pass Words Awareness Pattern
  • Temporal Pattern
  • Spatial Pattern
  • Cause & Effect Pattern
  • Personal Trance Words
  • Hypnotic Language Pattern
  • Embedded Commands
  • Analog Marking
  • Magic Words
  • Nested Loops
  • Softening Phrase
  • Others powerful patterns

Secara CEPAT, Optimalkan potensi Anda untuk Sukses dengan menggunakan teknik:

  • Success Track
  • Auto Pilot for Success

Dengan MUDAH, Buang jauh-jauh hambatan dan gangguan mental Anda, melalui metode:

  • Sliding Anchors
  • Drop Down Through
  • Eye Movement

Dengan NYAMAN, Hentikan kebiasaan-kebiasaan negatif Anda dengan:

  • Compulsion Blow Out
  • New Behavior Generator

Secara ALAMI, Gali dan Sempurnakan sumber-sumber keberhasilan dalam diri Anda melalui:

  • Healing States of the Masters
  • Aura Modelling
  • Hammer Exercise

Secara SISTEMATIS, Temukan dengan KONKRIT jawaban dan SOLUSI atas semua permasalahan Anda menggunakan (neuro) Logical Level of Thinking

Secara CEPAT, MUDAH dan PRAKTIS, Gunakan semua KEMAMPUAN tersebut untuk MEMBANTU mengOPTIMALKAN KEMAMPUAN orang-orang yang membutuhkan bantuan dengan Hypno-COACHING menggunakan RESOLVE Model dariDr. Richard Bolstad.


Beny Sudarmaji S.Kom CT.NLP C.NLC CHtT.ESLLi
(Certified International NLP Trainer & Coach)

General Information


  • Professional Trainer NLP
  • Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)
  • Quality training kits
  • Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks and lunch for along the training
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Certificate NLP Internasional

Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline

  • IDR 9.500.000,-/ Person
  • Registration and payment deadline a weeks before training held.

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