Negotiation Skill For Procurement

Negotiation Skill For Procurement

Jakarta | 15 – 16 Juli 2014 | Rp 3.500.000
Jakarta | 25 – 26 September 2014 | Rp 3.500.000
Jakarta | 20 – 21 November 2014 | Rp 3.500.000



Training Description:

Kemampuan bernegosiasi atau negotiation skill merupakan hal penting yang harus dikuasai oleh team Procurement maupun Procurement Committee, karena keterbatasan skill saat melakukan negosiasi dengan Vendor/Supplier/Kontraktor membuat proses negosiasi berjalan tidak imbang.

Sangatlah penting membekali para Professional Procurement dengan metode dan strategi negosiasi, sehingga perusahaan akan memperoleh produk dan jasa yang diperlukan dari Vendor terpilih dengan kondisi the best bid with; best prices, best quality, serta best terms and conditions.

Tujuan Pelatihan:

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan negotiation skill for procurement ini, peserta akan memiliki kemampuan untuk:

  • Melakukan perencanaan dan strategi  negosiasi
  • Memahami standar etika bernegosiasi
  • Memahami metode melakukan analisa penawaran berdasarkan hasil sourcing serta terms and conditions yangdiperoleh
  • Mengevaluasi kekuatan dan kelemahan lawan
  • Melakukan negosiasi dengan Vendor tanpa terpengaruh bias penampilan dan strategi mereka.


Metode Pelatihan :

Class presentation, discussion, study analysis, dan video presentation, dengan konsep:

  • 20% teori berdasarkan literatur praktisi
  • 40% analisa best practices dan benchmarking antar industri
  • 40% studi kasus nyata dan diskusi brainstorming antara trainer dengan peserta


Outline Training Negotiation Skill:

Days 1:

  • Negotiation Skill Review
  • Limitation and Restriction
  • Negotiation Strategy
  • Negotiation Tool Kits
  • Discussion Sharing and Case Study

Days 2:

  • Sourcing Analysis
  • Negotiation Terms
  • Negotiate Plan and Schedule
  • Handling Difficult Supplier
  • Case Study and Closing Review




Mr. Danasenjaya has worked in logistics and banking operations since 1995. Parallel to his hands-on experience he has run numerous training courses on SCM, HSE as well as logistics & procurement strategy, and has written several articles and papers with topics in management, hidden cost in distribution and transportation, ISO 14000 and logistic. He spent several years working as Senior Assistant for PT. Bank Inter-Pacific Tbk. whereas beforehand he worked at PT. Bank Niaga Tbk and Logistic Services Provider Company in Jakarta.

He now works as Supply Chain Analyst Manager at 3PL Company, Jakarta
Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Reviewing company services level achievement to main customer’s
2. Reviewing company SOP based on best practice operations and current regulations
3. Plan, organize and lead the work of teams and individuals.
4. Managing health and safety working environment
5. Obtain, analyze and present information on the government regulation that might affect to operations.
6. Verify that all manual procedures are followed and respected.
7. Identify the indicators of system failure and fraud.
8. Reducing job failure risk and solve the problem who already identify

Mr. Danasenjaya is an active member of:
– Humanitarian Logistics Association (HLA), San Francisco, USA
– Emergency People’s Network (EPN), London, UK
– Indonesian Management Association, (AMA), Jakarta.
– Indonesian Logisticians Forum, (ALI), Jakarta.
– Indonesian Economic Graduate’s Association, (ISEI), Jakarta.

He received his bachelor’s degree in Management of Science from Mahardhika Economic School of Surabaya and master’s degree in Strategic Management and Business Planning from IPB of Bogor in 2003.

Jadwal Training

  • 09 – 10 Januari 2014
  • 13 – 14 Maret 2014
  • 08 – 09 Mei 2014
  • 15 – 16 Juli 2014
  • 25 – 26 September 2014
  • 20 – 21 November 2014


  • Rp.3.500.000,-
  • Biaya pelatihan negotiation skill for procurement sudah termasuk Souvenir, Flash disk, materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat)


Tempat :

  • Harris Hotel Tebet, Jakarta
  • Hotel Puri Denpasar, Jakarta


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