Communication For Secretary

Communication For Secretary

Jakarta | 12 – 13 Januari 2015 | Rp. 3.950.000,-
Jakarta | 09 – 10 April 2015 | Rp. 3.950.000,-
Jakarta | 07 – 08 Juli 2015 | Rp. 3.950.000,-
Jakarta | 29 – 30 Oktober 2015 | Rp. 3.950.000,-

A secretary works is not only keeping “a secret”. A secretary function is significant in making a Supervisor or Leader strategic tasks work smoothly and makes everybody happy. Why? A secretary is a window person for everybody at an office to communicate with the Executive whom the Secretary is in charge of. He or she will carry an important function on the success of an appointment, meeting, even a bigger even such as the company public expose.

Not only that, a Secretary is also a window person of the company to outside clients. Handling a telephone inquiry is as important as a public image building itself. A company image could be appraised through this telephone handling. At last a secretary job is often “unseen” but yet it is significant to contribute to the success of the work of an Executive.

Key Topics Covered on Communication For Secretary Training

The training is designed to suit your needs and includes:

  1. Communication in a secretary job
  2. What is actually a communication?
  3. Why there’s a communication blocking?
  4. How to treat oral and written communication?
  5. How to get to know your audience?
  6. How to write an informative memo?
  7. How to take care of difficult questions?
  8. When is the best time to convey bad news, especially to your Boss?

Targeted Participants

  • Secretary of companies,
  • Administrative staff,
  • And everybody interested in smoothing a communication process and contributing through communication

Trainer :

Slamet Pririswanto / Jenny Suseno / Rahmat Boerhan

Para Professional dan Praktisi memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun dibidangnya masing-masing. Dengan  berbagai jabatan yang pernah dipegang antara lain : Operational Director, Training & People Development Manager, Training Manager, Head of waste water treatment facility, Finance Director, Financial Planning Manager, Sales Manager, HR Direktur, dll. dan pernah bekerja di perusahaan multinasional maupun organisasi internasional seperti Astra International, The National Conservation – US Based NGO, dll) serta lulusan dari universitas terkemuka dari dalam dan luar negeri

Harga :

  • Rp 3.950.000
  • Biaya training communication for secretary sudah termasuk materi hand-out dan CD modul, 2x coffee break, makan siang dan sertifikat

Jam Pelaksanaan
09.00-17.00 WIB

Tempat :

Hotel atau Business Center di Jakarta

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